Networking and lobbying
Sharing and learning from each other has a high priority at SWI. With our component “Networking and Lobbying” SWI is reaching out to a larger target group and public. SWI initiates and facilitate networking among our graduates in Social Work, meanwhile more than 700 persons, and other development practitioners on local development issues including local agricultural production and marketing, women empowerment or child rights.
SWI also initiates, facilitates and/or participates in networking at international, national, province and municipal level among development and humanitarian support organizations on issues like social work, child protection, people led development, food sovereignty or the role of NGOs, humanitarian response and disaster risk reduction.
SWI channeled the relief operation very effectively through our network of SWI alumni and SWI partner organizations in Tanahun, Okhaldhunga and Kathmandu districts during the earthquake in 2015. Well-established communication channels, experiences in cooperating with each other and our close linkages with local governmental and non-governmental bodies made it possible to reach out to those in need. The value of SWI’s wide network in emergency aids to be emphasized in days to come.
Strategic Objectives in Networking and Lobbying
- Networking at SWI is more systematized.
- Role of network of alumni and partner organizations in case of emergency is strengthened.
- A lobbying process for the practical implementation of the constitutional right on food sovereignty is initiated and followed up.
SWI initiates the following activities for network strengthening.
- Provide space for loose network of SWI alumni for knowledge sharing and management
- Involve on activities of Disaster Preparedness Network Nepal (DPNet)
- Involve on activities of NGO Federation-Lalitpur
- Create network of partner organizations for knowledge exchange